Setting Up A Drink Bar

I can’t believe we have already arrived at Memorial Day weekend! Can you? 2024 is flying by! I figured there was no better time than now for a drink bar post. Obviously when you think of drink bar, you may immediately think alcohol, but it doesn’t have to be. You can also have two separate drink bars, one that involves alcohol and one that doesn’t.

Over the last few years, I’ve grown to enjoy hosting. I used to be too shy for that, but over recent years I have really come out of my shell and love parties! One of my favorite parts is the drink bar, because it doesn’t require a whole lot of thought or time.

We have a very large kitchen island and a dining table so I usually use the dining table as a beverage/dessert table and the island for buffet style food serving.

A drink bar can be as simple or decorated as you’d like it to be depending on the type of gathering. I typically like to cover the table with a tablecloth like the one shown in my pictures.

Drink Bar

Decide what kind of drinks or cocktails you want to have and shop accordingly. For this particular drink bar I had Jim Beam Orange Whiskey Bourbon And a variety of Andre Champagne flavors. I also added a few flavoring syrups both alcoholic and non alcoholic. I included several juices and fruits. Sprite Zero for those that wanted extra bubbles!

For the fruit, I simply used a large serving tray and laid the fruit out in strips to create a colorful rainbow effect. It catches the eye & looks so delicious! It screams, add me to your drink!

Fruit Tray

I grouped the alcohol together and the juices together just to make everything look organized and easy to see. For an added touch I put a few lemons and limes next to the sprite cans. I also had a cocktail shaker, stir spoon, and ice nearby.

Set Up

I found some simple clear plastic cups that worked perfectly for this drink bar.

Again, this can be an alcohol free drink bar. My best tips for a drink bar are to make it look eye catching as possible and organized. People enjoy themselves more if they don’t have to work so hard to find things. Make everything readily accessible.

Enjoy the process! One of the best parts of hosting is the set up, and seeing your vision come together. Your guests will notice and appreciate the extra effort and attention to detail.

Have a Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend!

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“Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.”


“I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love & when I am not.”

Coco Chanel

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